While the lion’s share of the focus of the Corona (COVID-19) virus is on how to prevent it, contain it, survive it or cure it, the discussion also includes how it began. In other words, the entire focus is on the physical issues concerning it. Not many are discussing the real reason behind Corona.
Pandemics have been part of human history for as long as human history has existed. As a result of the fall of man pandemics were going to be part of God’s way of chastising rebellion. While secular man elevates the medical industry, the CDC, and the government to Messianic proportions, it is what is behind the physical that must be addressed if this pandemic, and any future pandemics, are to be properly dealt with. It is not the physical that we should be considering but rather the metaphysical reasons behind Corona-19.
Why the Pandemic? The Physical.
To be sure, precautions are to be taken whenever sickness becomes problematic within the sphere of humanity. That does not mean that we should simply wait until sickness manifests itself upon the world stage to act. We must be proactive. While so many are reactive to the point of panic, the Scripture teaches us that we ought to be diligent, and vigilant, especially when it comes to stewarding our health, the the health of our families, and the health of our communities.
Pastors in particular, are held to a higher degree of accountability when it comes to guiding their congregation in how they should maintain a healthy existence. Too many pastors are woefully ignorant as to their role as shepherds when they think that all they are required to do is care for the Spiritual well being of their folk. Yet, if cattle ranchers, sheep and goat herders, pig farmers and those raising chicken are called to be well versed in the physical care of their livestock, how much more for Gospel shepherds?
One of the physical reasons why the human race is so susceptible to sickness is their lack of good hygiene. God had given Israel all sorts of guidelines which kept the people free of many sicknesses. As long as they obeyed those guidelines they were safe. In our day, we have been quite lax in personal hygiene, exercise and nutrition.
But that is not only where the problem lies, at least not fundamentally. The abuse of antibiotics both in our food and in our bodies to fight off infection, genetically modified foods, the abuse of chemical pesticides, sugar saturated soft drinks, processed foods, engineered foods, the use of micro-waves, and the list goes on and on as to the destruction of our food supply. The human body, especially if it is not cared for will eventually succumb to any and every sickness known to man and those not yet known. But these are simply the physical aspects of the problem. They do not address the real issue. The real issue behind the pandemic is Metaphysical.
Why The Pandemic? The Metaphysical.
Apart from the natural reason behind any pandemic is the root of all pandemics, which is the Supernatural. We must ask what is “behind” the physical reasons to the Meta-physical reasons.
As a result of rebellion God tells us this,
De 28:15 ¶ But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee; 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field… 21 The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. 22 The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning…
Note: Cursed in the city and in the country. This is a reference to a pandemic.
The prophet Nahum explains that whenever a whirlwind (i.e. a crisis) comes upon a nation, God is in it, in order to bring about a certain result. That is, He will have His “way” in the whirlwind as a result of mankind sowing the “wind” (ie. evil and vanity)
…the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet. Na 1:3b
The real problem lies within many of the Christian community. Those that should know this have seemed to forget that God is in the Pandemic. It is not satan. It is God. He is in control of all that happens in the world and He uses pandemics as a hammer against evil nations. It is He that has brought about COVID-19, not China, not Italy, not the president, not the conspirators and not Typhoid Mary. It is GOD Who is in the Whirlwind and until we realize why He has invaded the world with the COVID-19 nothing will be solved long-term.
The Ultimate Pandemic Cure: Repentance
So why a pandemic? From the metaphysical supernatural view point it is God Who has initiated the virus. He is waking up the human race to recognize that they are helpless without His intervention. What the Christian community needs to be praying for is NOT for the virus to go away, or a cure to be found, but that nations will repent of their evil ways and turn to the living God! That is the ultimate cure. Anything less will only insure that we are yet ripe for destruction. When the world is so corrupt and murderous as it is today, it is no wonder why we have a global chastisement from God.
The Pandemic: Business as Usual or Quarantine?
The Scriptures teach that a temporary quarantine is sometimes necessary for the health of the larger community. (Lev 14, Lev 22, Na 5). If we are ill we should be mindful of these that are not or those who are more susceptible to illness such as the elderly or those with compromised immune systems. The problem here is whether or not quarantine is mandated by government to raise the level of panic or to simply control the population. A crisis is not often waisted by wicked governments to impose laws that restrict the lawful freedom of the masses. In a day of unbridled tyranny, corruption and hatred against all things Christian, one must be very skeptical about government control through quarantine and the inciting of panic.
The Pandemic: Fear or Faith
How should the Christian community respond to this pandemic? There are three possible responses. 1. Total panic. 2. A fearful foreboding of what “might’ happen. 3. Sober reflection, trusting God.
- Total Panic. This is NOT the response of the Faithful. Yet, this seems to be the response of most of the word’s population. They fear the sickness because they fear death. They fear death only because, intuitively, they fear the Judgment of God not realizing that the pandemic is actually a reminder that God is, in fact the Judge and repentance is still possible. Therefore, this pandemic may be seen as a great mercy of the Almighty warning the people of the earth that there will be day when repentance is no longer possible. Cf Psalm 50. There is still time to turn the nations of this earth back to the Sovereign God. However, I am afraid, that is a very narrow window of time.
- A Fearful Foreboding. This is the response of many folks, Christian and non-Christian alike. This is especially problematic for the professors of Christianity since they should know that nothing can happen without the Sovereign ordination of God. To fear what “might” happen is to mistrust God. There is no such thing as “possibility”. There is only what God ordains was “will” happen.
- Sober Reflection and Trust. David puts everything into focus.
Ps 56:3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
David was able to master his fear through faith. He trusted God. It was that simple. Hetold himself that “he will trust”. Trusting God was not part of his Adamic nature yet, he was able to over-ride that fearful tendency and focus upon the God of Heaven. He did this by knowing the True God and reflecting upon His ways. He also knew that while he lived, there was safety in trusting God. Peter on the other hand had to learn this trust as so many Christians need to learn today. He was able to walk on water without fear ONLY when He focused on the LORD in faith. Once he looked at the physical, he lost sight of the metaphysical and began to sink. This is the character trait of immaturity, the remedy of which is sober reflection upon God through His Holy Word.
Heb 11:1 ¶ Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen….6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
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