Kingdom-building strategies through
scholarship, leadership and action
The Governance of Man
Wherever and whenever God is absent from any governmental structure there can be no prosperity. This is especially true as it concerns national governance. And so, whenever there is a lack of a Biblical Law [...]
Welcome to the Godless Revolution
The Battle Begins – albeit a Little Late As we enter into the year of our Lord 2024, we are faced with the total breakdown of the American culture, and arguably the world. Certainly, this [...]
The Revolution of the Wicked
The goal of this blog concerns itself with practical Biblical strategies that will help the Christian community in their effort to navigate the dark times in our America for the glory of God. It is [...]
Striving for Mediocrity
One of the reasons why Christendom is in a free fall of decay and insignificance is its lack of passion for the Glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom. Today’s postmodern church, (dare [...]
Ungodly Alliances
Whenever an individual, group, church or a political party agrees to support something they are automatically giving their vote of confidence to that thing. To agree is to confederate. Agreement is an act of affiliation. [...]
The Boiling Pot
Tyrants have a very simple strategy for total domination. Make a people dependent and you can control them. The more the people depend upon you for their everyday sustenance, the more they are under your [...]
Get the Children out…NOW!
Finally. Finally! FINALLY! Someone has called out the public schools from an international media platform. While the call to exit "Christian Children" from the public indoctrination system, commonly known as the public school, there has [...]
Thanksgiving and the Rebellious Man
Since the fall of mankind, man, often through the power of the State, has sought to be God. This is a blatant attempt at disavowing the Truth of God’s Word. By denying Christ’s Lordship, and dominion [...]
When The Judgment is Now
In an Epoch Times opinion piece by Victor Davis Hanson, he writes, “Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary, territory.” This is a profound statement as well as a painfully obvious reality. A carful assessment of [...]

A vast collection of Dr. Raymond’s sermons may be found on Raymond pastors the Reformed Bible Church in Appomattox, VA. The church is committed to the reformed tradition of “Sola Scriptura,” with a strong emphasis upon the Christian’s cultural mandate of Genesis 1:28.
New Geneva

New Geneva is an explicitly Christian alternative to the typical college dilemma, bridging the knowledge of Scripture with practical real-life application. Geneva works with you in a mentoring capacity, equipping and encouraging you to achieve your highest potential for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom to the Glory of God in this world.

The New Geneva Christian Leadership’s online bookstore serves to provide students and visitors with quality resources to help them in their dominion efforts. Geneva’s book store also has a physical location at the New Geneva Library in Appomattox, VA.