Thus, this particular YouTube category is a strategic battlefield where many of the dispensational, Premillennials can be engaged, challenged and won to an optimistic, perspective. With the wane of Premillennialism, other Dispensational assumptions may also be called into question like a row of falling dominoes.
This is where the Dispies hang out. Many of these first-page videos have huge viewership. A few of our selections have over 2-1/2 million views. Not surprising, because books about Bible prophecy are the largest category of books sold in the Christian market. Dispensationalists like to point out that about ¼ (26.8%) of the Bible is prophecy (4).
Thus, it is a great recruiting ground, that is for the most part being left unplowed. Postmillennialists have yet to appear on the field. We can no longer afford to ignore this opportunity. Starting from the Premill’s point of interest in the prophetic Scripture, the discussion/debate can be easily expanded to encompass various aspects of covenant, cultural application.
To get the ball rolling The YouTube Prophecy Initiative entered a postmillennial response to 40 key videos during the months of October and November, 2014 under the username “AntiFederalist.”
After two months we tallied the response and found that a substantial number remained near the top of the comment pile for a surprisingly long time. Here are the metrics for the first 33, when they had been posted between one and nine weeks during Phase I:
- Sixteen of 33 posts were still in the top 7 screens,
- But 9 of 33 had been removed,
- That left 5 further than 7 screens down, most in the 7-20 screen range,
- Seven of 33 had received unsolicited replies.
We discovered that the videos fall into a handful of categories based on the structure of the Premillennial model. The general topics include:
- End-Time Preachers: Hagee, Martin, Lahaye, MacArthur, Lindsey, Haller, Anderson, Van Impe, Wilkerson, Randolph,
- End-Time Movies: Left Behind, The Remaining,
- End-Time Characters: AntiChrist, Beast, Abomination of Desolation, Nephilim
- End-Time Timeline: Prophecy, Bible prophecy, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Israel.
- End-Time Signs: Dispensationalism, Premillennialism,
Ideally, comments should be relatively short, but we’ve succumbed to the temptation to enter longer, article-length posts. The advantage of these new posts is that they remain visible to the casual scanner, not buried in the 2ndtier of interaction, although that interchange is definitely needed also. We have given most of them a provocative, ALL-CAPS headline in the upper left corner. Things like;
All readers are invited to join Phase II of The YouTube Prophecy Initiative. The next phase is to
engage specific comments near the top of the list for each video in order to stimulate an interaction. This may seem daunting at first, but after jumping in you may find it somewhat addictive. You may choose to support an interaction already underway. You’ll probably begin to feel that you MUST do battle with this avalanche of false doctrine that is crippling the church. It makes a great activity for Sunday afternoon or an evening.
Scan the following list of YouTube videos and choose a few of special interest to you. Simply copy and paste the title into the YouTube search box and you will be taken instantly to the video. Comments appear directly below, where you can scan the first several screens for a debate in progress or start one of your own by simply responding to some Premillennial comment near the top of the pile.
65 Selected Premillenial Video Title Listings
End-Time Preachers: Hagee, Martin, Lahaye, MacArthur,
Lindsey, Haller, Anderson, Van Impe, Wilkerson, Randolph:
David Wilkerson’s last sermon on the last days
Glenn Beck & John Hagee End Time Bible Prophecies
Hagee Hotline: John Hagee on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (March 4, 2014)
4 Blood Moons by John Hagee (9/27/2014)
Pastor Hagee: Crisis in Ukraine is Beginning of the End of the World
The End Times: Ten Upcoming Events in Bible Prophecy – Charlie Campbell [Removed]
Dr. Walter Martin: The Tribulation & the Church, PT 1 of 6
Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception
Hal Lindsey – The Rapture
Pastor Steven Anderson “The Book of Revelation: Chapter 1 of 22”
TBN Praise the Lord With Tim LaHaye, Irvin Baxter, and Rick Joyner
The End of the World – Revelation 1….Stephen Anderson
Larry Randolph Prophetic Word From Voice of the Prophets
Jack Van Impe – Was Isis Prophesied For End of Days?
Why Every Calvinist Should Be a Premillennialist – John MacArthur
Chuck Missler – Biblical UFO’s and the Coming Deception
Dave Hunt – Last Days Bible Prophecy: all nations against Israel
End-Time Movies: Left Behind, The Remaining:
Left Behind Official Trailer #1 (2014) – Nicolas Cage Movie HD [apparently removed]
Left Behind Official Trailer (2013) Nicolas Cage, Thriller HD
The Remaining Official Trailer 1 (2014) – Alexa Vega Horror Movie HD
The Remaining Official Trailer #1 (2014) – Alexa Vega Horror Movie HD
Left Behind – Official First Clip (2014) Nicolas Cage Movie HD [Removed]
Left Behind 2014 Official Trailer + Trailer Review – Nicholas Cage: Beyond the Trailer
The End Times – Entire Movie
After the Tribulation- The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed Official Movie
End-Time Characters: AntiChrist, Beast,
Abomination of Desolation, Nephilim:
Book Of Daniel: 7 HEADS, 10 HORNS PROPHECY Fullfilled NOW~!!
Abomination of Desolation Finally revealed
The Antichrist: End of the World [Removed]
America In Bible Prophecy – Second Beast of Revelation 13
Who is the Beast In the Book of Revelation?
Come Out Of Her, My People!
An Urgent Prophetic Warning – Suzette’s Dream
Nephilim Giants Prophesied Date of Return
Nephilim: True Story of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim
Identity of the Antichrist Revealed
The Name of the AntiChrist 666
Is the Antichrist alive today?
America In Bible Prophecy | Satan’s Global Liaison
End-time biblical signs and beginning of sorrows: July – August 2014
End-Time Timeline: Prophecy, Bible prophecy,
Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Israel:
Dispensational Premillennial Timeline
719 Settling the Pre, Mid and Post Tribulation Controversy Part 1
Pretrib Rapture Lie Put the Church to Sleep
Documentary Explaining End Times – What The Bible Has To Say
Israel Invades Gaza – Bible Prophecy Reveals Coming Devastation
It’s All Part of the Plan: 2016 – The Great Tribulation
Israel Fulfilling Bible Prophecy
Armageddon Countdown – Pastor Doug Batchelor
26 Prophetic Events In Exact Sequence Before Christ’s Return
John MacArthur – Daniel 9 (interpreting Bible prophecy literally)
The Rapture John MacArthur
Great signs Part 1 Will Tribulation begin 2015, 2016, 2017
End-Time Signs: Dispensationalism, Premillennislism:
The Veil is Lifting in all Realms – prophetic events September 2014 (timeline)
2014 Breaking News CMM Bible prophecy current events last days news [removed]
October 2014 Breaking News The final hour Last Days End Time Prophecy Update
Bible Prophecy Is Happening Now – 2014-2015
Earth changing end time signs and events 2014-2015 prophecy has begun
Signs of The End of the world 2013 MUST SEE!!!
Endtime biblical signs and beginning of sorrows – February 2013
The beginning of sorrows- MAJOR WORLD EVENT HAPPENING NOW 2014
Forum on the Millennialium
The Master Key to Bible Prophecy
40 Signs Jesus Is Coming
End-time biblical signs and beginning of sorrows: July – August 2014
These videos were selected on the basis of three primary criteria: 1) 1stpage YouTube, 2) relatively large number of views, and 3) relatively small number of comments. There are currently very few Postmillennial comments under any of these videos.
As few as 10-20 Postmillennial advocates could dominate the first-page debate on key YouTube videos in the key prophetic categories. They would stand out like a beacon in the sea of Premillennial disinformation. These video sites can become a hotbed of Premillennial / Postmillennial debate.
This can be done with surprisingly little effort. 20 people devoting 15-30 minutes a week to these posts could have a dramatic effect. The impact is exponential because they will reinforce each other’s comments and help out on difficult questions. Plus, it seems that active or lengthy interaction gets pushed higher in the stream of comments or stays higher longer and is less likely to be deleted.
Rules of Engagement
- Try to keep posts short, about 2 or 3 paragraphs. Short also has the advantage of forcing your readers to focus on a single topic. If you present 3-4 ideas, they can choose to focus on one and ignore the rest. Better to come back later with other points.
- Be polite and respectful, even when provoked. If somebody starts name calling, it’s usually best to just point out “tsk, tsk…an ad hominem attack. If you don’t have a good argument you can always fall back on name-calling.” Constantly ask yourself, “Am I in help mode or in attack mode?”
- We don’t have to be churlish when the truth is so obviously on our side. All we have to do is state the truth and ask a question. Questions are good. Here’s an example:
OK, you are saying the Great Tribulation is in our future. The big question is: Does the Bible place the Great Tribulation in OUR future?
Could you please look at Luke 21:36– Jesus concluding statement in the Olivette Discourse — and tell me if you agree or disagree with this observation:
Jesus told the 12 apostles to pray that THEY could escape all the events of the Olivette Discourse He had just enumerated, therefore these events (including the Great Tribulation (Lk 21:22= Mt 24:21) all occurred during the lifetime of the 12 apostles in the 1st Century. Would you agree or disagree?
Luke 21:36in New ASV reads: “But keep on the alert at all times, praying in order that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
- After you feel comfortable in the pool of 65 selected videos feel free to branch out on your own into a few other premillennial video sites not listed. Once you’ve elicited some response invite others to join you.
- Sometimes a more aggressive than usual post can provoke some good interaction, as long as it is directed to the Premillennial theory in general and not to an individual. For example….
The pervading spirit of this video is that of the 10 spies who brought back an evil report to Moses. Woe is us — it’s the beginning of sorrows. Stop whining — that was before the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple (Lk 21:36) — 2000 years ago. The Bible promises that in “the last days” before the 2nd Coming the nations “will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks” (Is 2:1-4). The “last days” IS before the 2nd Coming.
But this movie is all about doom & gloom, the giants are too big and the walls are too high. Is it any wonder that God is bringing judgment on this generation of faithless Christians who strip Him of his Kingship until some indefinite point in the future and refuse His Great Commission. As if the all-powerful Christ is incapable of seeing to it that most of the nations are discipled, not destroyed.
- Always conclude every post with a statement like: For more information read “Last Days Madness” by Gary DeMar, “The Beast of Revelation” by Ken Gentry, and “Paradise Restored” by David Chilton. Or substitute your favorites.
- Be on the lookout for opportunities to minister to spiritual need. For example….
DogLover705 AJ “I am a child, and I am not religious will I be taken and redeemed if I ask jesus and god into my heart, my parents also refuse to take me to church, someone help me”
“Yes, Jesus said that everybody must humble themselves and have the faith of a child to receive the kingdom of heaven. Paul the apostle said that, ‘whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ The wages of sin is death and Hell. Pray to Him in faith believing that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins so you don’t have to go to Hell when you die. At that moment God the judge will declare you not guilty. Then read the Bible as though it was a letter to you form God your Father. There are other friendly people on this site to talk to and answer your questions. God bless you.

Postmillennialism can recover its former prominence in the prophetic world by concentrating as many supporters as possible in online discussion and criticism of key Premillennial videos. Premillennialism must be debunked before Christians will acknowledge Christ as de facto King in the present age. Rather than expending a lot of effort debating obscure points of eschatology, we should focus on posing Van Tillian type challenges. Such questions challenge the autonomy of the Premillennialist for denying rationality and twisting the Word of God.
- Jesus said “all these things will shortly take place in Luke 21: 32-36?” On what authority are you contradicting the sworn testimony of the Son of God?
- John told the 7 churches to whom he wrote his Revelation letter to “count the number of the Beast…666.” How were they supposed to count the number of the Beast if he wasn’t alive in the 1st Century? Why are you ignoring the historical context?
- John said that Jesus is “the ruler of the kings of the earth” and that “He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father.” On what authority are you denying that Christ is King in the present age?
- John told his first readers that he was writing of things that “must shortly come to pass…for the time is near.” (Rev 1:1-4). If somebody told you that they were going to stop by your place in the near future, would you take that to mean 2,000+ years from now? Why are you rejecting a literal interpretation of this clear time marker?
- The Parables of the mustard seed and the leaven state clearly that the kingdom is growing gradually to fill the whole world. On what authority are you denying the veracity of Jesus’ parables?
Let us go up at once and possess it, for we are well able to overcome them. (Numbers 13)
A Project of New Geneva Leadership Academy
In Conjunction With,
(1) (from Edwards, NY 1957) in July 1996 by John R. Lenz for the Bertrand Russell Society.
(2) Trout & Ries (McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York, St. Louis, San Francisco, Auckland, Bogota, Hamburg, Johannesburg, London, Madrid, Mexico, Montreal, New Delhi, Panama, Paris, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, 1986) p. 159.
(3) Cyrus I. Scofield, The Scofield Bible Correspondence School, Course of Study (7th ed., 3 vols.; no place or publisher given), pp. 45—46 (as cited by Vern S. Poythress, Understanding Dispensationalists [Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1987], p. 24).
(4) (Dispensationalism Today [Chicago, IL: Moody press, 1965],p.86).
(5) Charles C. Ryrie, The Living End: Enlightening and Astonishing Disclosures about the Coming Last Days of Earth (Old Tappan, NJ: G. Putnam’s Sons, 1970)
(6) (Wikipedia)
(7) Charles L. Feinberg, Premillennialism or Amillennialism, p. 51.
(8) Floyd E. Hamilton, the Basis of Millennial Faith, pp. 38-39.
(10) “The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy” by J. Barton Payne, Quoted by
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