Leadership, if it is authentic, is recognizable. Leaders have a distinct personality and a clear vision for the future. Their vision must resonate with the people if they are to be effective. Usually the leadership vision stems from a foundation based upon righteousness, justice and equity some of which is real, most of which is imagined. Leaders are future oriented. They think and act so as to change things. Their strength lies in the fact that they are able to respond to real issues with real solutions based upon concrete principles.

There are however, two classes of leadership groups, two distinct goals, and two very different core principles from which the leadership mind works.

The distinctives are simple. Leadership stems from either a Humanistic presupposition or a Christ-o-centric presupposition. Since every human being is created in the image of God with an a priori knowledge of Him, he thinks from a religious point of origin, and acts according to its dictates. Therefore, leadership is either man-centered or Christ-centered. It cannot be both; which brings me to my point. 
If leadership is not Christ-centered it can be neither righteous nor just and it certainly cannot be equitable. If leadership is not rooted in the tenants of the Inspired and inscripturated Law-Word of God is cannot be Authentic since it is not based upon Truth. Furthermore, it cannot be Authentic because its presuppositions begin with the deification of man and the hope of paradise rooted in man’s ability to save the world, either through politics, economics, diplomacy, military might, democracy, education, science, technology or medicine. These things in and of themselves cannot make the world a better place especially since natural man is in rebellion against God and ever seeks to usurp God.

Yet, many humanistic leaders have emerged that have wholly captured the hearts and minds of good Christian people. Their charismatic ability to influence people was so powerful that it cast a wide net over believers and non-believers alike. In one cunningly executed coup sinners and saints were caught up together in the epiphany of the leader’s humanistic vision. 

But if humanism is the enemy of Christianity, and of the Christian people, how could this be? How could a humanistic leader sway Christendom to the point of denying the Scriptural principles and examples of Authentic Christ-centered leadership? The answer lies in a misunderstanding of what Biblical Leadership is, its core principles, and how Authentic Leadership is to be developed and groomed.

The trap, which many Christians fall into, is they are waiting for leaders instead of seeking to become leaders. While not every saint is destined for Leadership, every saint is called to lead in some aspect of society, even if it is only within his or her own family or church.

Next: Leadership Observation and Reconnaissance
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